Juicing Part 2: Happy Thanksgiving

Fresh JuiceWith Thanksgiving just days away I wanted to continue my discussion of detox and digestion. As I get deeper into my detox I do find my digestion is improving. My energy is increasing and I feel less fatigued at the end of the day.

I am not running on adrenalin but a good energy that lets me sleep well and wake up refreshed. I believe from personal experience this is a process. I had to go through the detox symptoms before I felt better. That wasn’t easy. I also feel a sense of peace and happier not feeling stress as much.

So how does one get more energy while detoxing. Number one is to not go back and forth as I mentioned in my previous blog. Doing well during the week and going back to old habits on the weekend. Detox to Retox will not get you too far. It is like eating junk food and then taking vitamins to counter the side effects.

If you are really searching for a way to better health then something has to give. You can’t keep doing unhealthy things and trying to fix them with vitamins or exercise. This is an AHA moment that most people have to have before they get healthier.

The older we get it tends to catch up with us. If you were able to get away with that in your 20’s and 30’s, all of a sudden things shift in your 40’s and 50’s. This is the cause of the middle age spread, loss of energy, adult onset diseases. It takes that long for most of us to feel it. If you have a strong constitution it may even take longer but it’s like cheating on your taxes. Eventually it catches up with you.

The more you stick with detoxing ( it doesn’t have to be 100%) the more progress you will have. I have continued juicing from the time I wake up until noon. Then a good healthy lunch and lighter dinner. Sure I slip once in awhile but I find the more don’t deviate on the weekends the less I slip. Clarity in focus and positive attitude is another positive side effect. Also by scheduling a treat meal once a week you are less likely to go off unplanned. Awareness even with treating yourself works better than being blindsided.

Some other things I have added to my regimen that seems to help are water with hot lemon and cayenne in the morning. Also rinsing with cayenne pepper after you brush your teeth twice a day. It kills off yeast and eliminates mucus in your stomach. Very powerful in healing digestion and improving energy levels.

I believe in adding healthy things in and then the unhealthy habits will fall off one at a time. Food should be about pleasure not punishment. Getting away from dieting and onto a healthy regime is key. Before I did that I was up and down on the scale with the same 10 pounds. Healthy weight is only one measurement. Check in with how you are feelnng mentally and physically as well.

As for turkey day put away the guilt. Enjoy the food and company . This is one day not to stress about food. If you desire to stick with your healthy eating check out the recipes for pumpkin soup and white bean hummus. Healhty doesn’t have to be boring.
With that I am wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving.

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