How Are You Stuck?

MeditationI have been listening to my No More Excuses CD’s  by Wayne Dyer lately. There is one quote that stands out more than others. That is talking about how we heal and move past our issues.  It said something along the lines of  it’s when we realize how we are stuck we are able to  recover.

For most of us we keep looking for answers and rarely look at what is going on in our lives, our habits and our excuses.  By putting a band-aid on our weight, our health and our habits we only set ourselves up for failure over and over again. Its easier to follow a diet or take a supplement than it is to face our primary food which is what really drives us to disrupt our balance everyday.

What I mean by primary food is everything that makes  us up as human beings. Our work, spirituality, relationships and exercise. It is what differentiates us from other mammals and animals. The ability to choose how we live everyday and react.  When primary food goes right in our life we tend to forget about what we eat and drink and ingest. Being in love, a new job, a new baby.

On the other hand if we are stuck in a job we hate, a relationship that isn’t serving us and feeling like we are just going through the motions everyday can create a rut that can last days, weeks and sometimes years.  If you do one thing today. Think about  what habits you have. Everyday doing the things that may take away from your health or weight goals. Think about how to replace them. There is always a substitute.

If you can’t give up the diet soda, the candy bar , the latte or the wine every day then the next step is to ask yourself why? Which primary food is out of balance that you need to reward yourself each and every day taking away your energy, your health  and inner peace.  This and only this will be the way to heal permanently, have a healthy relationship with food and restore your energy. Remember your body has the ability out there to heal itself.  This is the only tip you need to be successful.  No More Excuses.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein

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